Listed below are the some of the books, reports and papers written by HistoryWorks Research Director Vincent O’Malley. See publications lists for the other Research Directors.
The Invasion of Waikato/Te Riri ki Tainui, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2024
Fragments from a Contested Past: Remembrance, Denial and New Zealand History (Joanna Kidman, Vincent O’Malley, Liana MacDonald, Tom Roa and Keziah Wallis), Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2022
Voices from the New Zealand Wars/He Reo Nō Ngā Pakanga o Aotearoa, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2021
The New Zealand Wars/ Ngā Pakanga o Aotearoa, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2019
The Great War for New Zealand: Waikato 1800-2000, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2016
Haerenga: Early Māori Journeys Across the Globe, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2015
Beyond the Imperial Frontier: The Contest for Colonial New Zealand, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2014
The Meeting Place: Māori and Pākehā Encounters, 1642-1840, Auckland University Press, Auckland, 2012
The Treaty of Waitangi Companion: Māori and Pākehā from Tasman to Today (with Bruce Stirling and Wally Penetito), Auckland University Press, Auckland, 2010
The Beating Heart: A Political and Socio-Economic History of Te Arawa (with David Armstrong), Huia Publishers, Wellington, 2008
Agents of Autonomy: Māori Committees in the Nineteenth Century, Huia Publishers, Wellington, 1998
‘Runanga and Komiti: Maori Institutions of Self-Government in the Nineteenth Century’, PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2004
The Maori Quest for Rangatiratanga/Autonomy, 1840-2000 (with Richard Hill), Treaty of Waitangi Research Unit, Stout Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, 2000
The Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand History (with Bryan Gilling), Treaty of Waitangi Research Unit, Stout Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, 2000
Indigenous Land Rights in an International Context: A Survey of the Literature relating to Australia, New Zealand and North America, Treaty of Waitangi Research Unit, Stout Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, 2000
Chapters and book contributions
‘War Stories Our Teachers Never Told Us: Documenting New Zealand Wars Narratives and Silences’ (with Joanna Kidman), in Lyndall Ryan and Angela Wanhalla (eds.), Aftermaths: Remembering Colonial Violence in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Otago University Press, 2023, pp.29-38
‘He Tino Pakanga Nui No Niu Tireni: The “Great War for New Zealand” in Memory and History’, in Malcolm Mulholland (ed.), Te Pūtake o te Riri: The New Zealand Wars, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, Whakatāne, 2018, pp.51-83
‘Remembrance, Denial and the New Zealand Wars: The Road to Rā Maumahara’ (with Joanna Kidman), in Malcolm Mulholland (ed.), Te Pūtake o te Riri: The New Zealand Wars, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, Whakatāne, 2018, pp.137-161
‘Assembling a Case for Invasion: The Outbreak of the Waikato War’, in John Crawford and Ian McGibbon (eds), Tutu Te Puehu: New Perspectives on the New Zealand Wars, Steele Roberts, Wellington, 2018, pp.168-193
‘Introduction’, in He Whakaputanga: The Declaration of Independence 1835, Archives New Zealand/National Library of New Zealand/Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2017, pp.8-14
‘Uncle Toms and Kupapas: “Collaboration” versus Alliance in a Nineteenth-Century New Zealand Context’, in Tanja Bührer, Flavio Eichmann, Stig Förster and Benedikt Stuchtey (eds), Cooperation and Empire: Local Realities of Global Processes, Berghahn Books, New York, 2017, pp.144-168
‘“The Natives Here Rule” Northland After 1846’, in Richard S. Hill and Brad Patterson (eds), After the Treaty: The Colonial State, Race Relations and the Exercise of Military Force in Nineteenth Century New Zealand, Steele Roberts, Wellington, 2016, pp.205-227
‘Kingitanga and Crown: New Zealand’s Maori King Movement and its Relationship with the British Monarchy’, in Robert Aldrich and Cindy McCreery (eds), Crowns and Colonies: European Monarchies and Overseas Empires, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2016, pp.163-176
‘The Coming of the Pakeha, 1820-1840’ (with Judith Binney and Alan Ward), in Atholl Anderson, Judith Binney and Aroha Harris, Tangata Whenua: An Illustrated History, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2014, pp.190-217
‘Rangatiratanga and Kawanatanga, 1840-1860’ (with Judith Binney and Alan Ward), in Atholl Anderson, Judith Binney and Aroha Harris, Tangata Whenua: An Illustrated History, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2014, pp.220-253
‘Wars and Survival, 1860-1872’ (with Judith Binney and Alan Ward), in Atholl Anderson, Judith Binney and Aroha Harris, Tangata Whenua: An Illustrated History, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2014, pp.256-283
‘The Land and the People, 1860-1890’ (with Judith Binney and Alan Ward), in Atholl Anderson, Judith Binney and Aroha Harris, Tangata Whenua: An Illustrated History, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2014, pp.286-315
‘The Quest for Survival, 1890-1920’ (with Judith Binney), in Atholl Anderson, Judith Binney and Aroha Harris, Tangata Whenua: An Illustrated History, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2014, pp.318-349
‘Prophetic Leaders Among the Maori’, in Alfred J. Andrea (ed.), World History Encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, 2011, vol.16, pp.892-894
‘”A Mild Sort of Confiscation”? War and Raupatu on the East Coast’, in Richard Boast and Richard S. Hill (eds), Raupatu: The Confiscation of Maori Land, Victoria University Press, Wellington, 2009, pp.207-221
‘Maori Indigenous Resistance’, in Immanuel Ness (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, Blackwell, Oxford, 2009, pp.2205-2209
‘Unsettling New Zealand History: The Revisionism of Sinclair and Ward’, in Doug Munro and Brij V. Lal (eds), Texts and Contexts: Reflections in Pacific Islands Historiography, University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu, 2006, pp.154-165
‘Treaty-making in Early Colonial New Zealand’, in Judith Binney (ed.), The Making of History: Essays from the New Zealand Journal of History, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2001, pp.129-145
‘Der Vertrag von Waitangi in der Neuseelandischen Geschichte’ (with Bryan Gilling), Maori und Gesellschaft, MANA-Verlag, Berlin, 2000, pp.35-54
‘Das Streben der Maori nach Rangatiratanga (Autonomie)’ (with Richard Hill), Maori und Gesellschaft, MANA-Verlag, Berlin, 2000, pp.55-76
‘Carr, Harold Herbert (1880-1973)’, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, Volume Five, 1940-1960, Auckland University Press/Department of Internal Affairs, Auckland/Wellington, 2000, pp.94-95
Journal articles
‘Street Talk: History, Myth and Memory on the Waikato Frontier, New Zealand Journal of Public History, Vol 7, No, 1, 2020, pp.13-19
Joanna Kidman and Vincent O’Malley, ‘Questioning the Canon: Colonial History, Counter-memory and Youth Activism’, Memory Studies, 2018 (Published online 2 January 2018),
Vincent O’Malley and Joanna Kidman, ‘Settler Colonial History, Commemoration and White Backlash: Remembering the New Zealand Wars’, Settler Colonial Studies, Vol.8, No.3, 2018, pp.298-313 (Published online 22 January 2017),
‘A Tale of Two Rangatira: Rewi Maniapoto, Wiremu Tamihana and the Waikato War’, Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol.125, No.4, 2016, pp.341-357
‘The Great Forgetting: The New Zealand Wars in National Memory’, History Teacher Aotearoa, Vol.1, No.3, 2016, pp.5-7
‘Maori Rules of War at Gate Pa’, Wars, Laws and Humanity: New Zealand’s Engagement with International Humanitarian Law, New Zealand Red Cross, Wellington, 2015, pp.4-5
‘“Recording the Incident with a Monument”: The Waikato War in Historical Memory’, Journal of New Zealand Studies, no.19, 2015, pp.79-97
‘The Tuhoe-Crown Settlement: Historical Background’, Maori Law Review, October 2014, pp.3-7
‘Choosing Peace or War: The 1863 Invasion of Waikato’, New Zealand Journal of History, Vol.47, No.1, 2013, pp.39-58
‘Manufacturing Chiefly Consent? James Busby and the Role of Rangatira in the Pre-Colonial Era’, Journal of New Zealand Studies, No.10, 2011, pp.33-43
‘Fontier Justice? The Trial and Execution of Kereopa Te Rau’, Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol.120, No.2, 2011, pp.183-191
‘”A Living Thing”: The Whakakotahitanga Flagstaff and its Place in New Zealand History’, Journal of New Zealand Studies, No.8, 2009, pp.41-60
‘Reinventing Tribal Mechanisms of Governance: The Emergence of Maori Runanga and Komiti in New Zealand Before 1900’, Ethnohistory, Vol.56, No.1, 2009, pp.69-89
‘A United Front Against Capitalism? Unemployed Workers’ Organisations in Christchurch, New Zealand, during the Depression’, Labour History Review, Vol.73, No.1, 2008, pp.145-166
‘The East Coast Petroleum Wars: Raupatu and the Politics of Oil in 1860s New Zealand’, New Zealand Journal of History, Vol.42, No.1, 2008, pp.60-79
‘English Law and the Maori Response: A Case Study from the Runanga System in Northland, 1861-65’, Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol.116, No.1, 2007, pp.7-33
‘Treaty-Making in Early Colonial New Zealand’, New Zealand Journal of History, Vol.33, No.2, 1999, pp.137-154
‘Progressive Paternalism: Maori and the First Labour Government’, Race Gender Class, No.14, 1992, pp.23-31
Book reviews
Ian Smith, Pākehā Settlements in a Māori World: New Zealand Archaeology, 1769-1860, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2019. Reviewed in New Zealand Journal of History, Vol.54, No.2, October 2020, pp.129-31.
Cliff Simons, Soldiers, Scouts and Spies: A Military History of the New Zealand Wars 1845-1864, Massey University Press, Auckland, 2019. Reviewed in Journal of New Zealand Studies, No.29, 2019, pp.102-04
Arthur J. Ray, Aboriginal Rights Claims and the Making and Remaking of History, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal, 2016. Reviewed in H-Empire, H-Net Reviews, March 2017
Katie Pickles and Catharine Coleborne (eds), New Zealand’s Empire, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2016. Reviewed in H-Empire, H-Net Reviews, July 2016,
Angela Middleton, Pēwhairangi: Bay of Islands Missions and Māori 1814 to 1845, Otago University Press, Dunedin, 2014. Reviewed in Journal of Pacific History, Vol.51, No.1, 2016, pp.92-93
Tony Ballantyne, Entanglements of Empire: Missionaries, Maori, and the Question of the Body, Duke University Press, Durham, 2014. Reviewed in H-Empire, H-Net Reviews, October 2015
Hazel Petrie, Outcasts of the Gods: The Struggle over Slavery in Maori New Zealand, Auckland University Press, Auckland, 2015. Reviewed in Metro, October 2015, pp.97-98.
Paul Moon, Encounters: The Creation of New Zealand, Penguin, Auckland, 2013. Reviewed in New Zealand Listener, Vol.240, No.3823, August 2013.
Lynette Russell, Roving Mariners: Australian Aboriginal Whalers and Sealers in the Southern Oceans, 1790-1870, State University of New York Press, Albany, 2012. Reviewed in H-Empire, H-Net Reviews, July 2013
Felicity Barnes, New Zealand’s London: A Colony and its Metropolis, Auckland University Press, Auckland, 2012. Reviewed in New Zealand Books, Vol.23, No.2, 2013
Lyndon Fraser and Angela McCarthy (eds), Far From ‘Home’: The English in New Zealand, Otago University Press, Dunedin, 2012. Reviewed in New Zealand Books, Vol.23, No.2, 2013
Angela Wanhalla, In/Visible Sight: The Mixed-Descent Families of Southern New Zealand, University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, 2010. Reviewed in Canadian Journal of History, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2012, pp.189-191
Adrienne Puckey, Trading Cultures: A History of the Far North, Huia Publishers, Wellington, 2011. Reviewed in New Zealand Journal of History, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2012, pp.101-103
Judith Biney, Encircled Lands: Te Urewera, 1820-1921, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 2009, Reviewed in Reviews in History (review no. 1167), 2011
Caroline Fitzgerald (ed.), Te Wiremu – Henry Williams: Early Years in the North, Huia Publishers, Wellington, 2011. Reviewed in New Zealand Journal of History, Vol.45, No.2, 2011, pp.261-263
John Andrews, No Other Home Than This: A History of European New Zealanders, Craig Potton Publishing, Nelson, 2009. Reviewed in New Zealand Geographic, No.101, January-February 2010, p.107
Anne Salmond, Aphrodite’s Island: The European Discovery of Tahiti, Viking, North Shore City, 2009. Reviewed in New Zealand Geographic, No.100, November-December 2009, p.121
Matthew S.R. Palmer, The Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand’s Law and Constitution, Victoria University Press, Wellington, 2008. Reviewed in Journal of Pacific History, Vol.44, No.2, September 2009, pp.225-226.
Judith Binney (ed.), Te Kerikeri 1770-1850: The Meeting Pool, Bridget Williams Books/Craig Potton, Wellington/Nelson, 2007. Reviewed in Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol.118, No.1, March 2009, pp.93-95.
Keith Newman, Ratana: The Prophet, Auckland, Raupo, 2009. Reviewed in Metro, February 2009, p.104.
Richard Boast, Buying the Land, Selling the Land: Governments and Maori Land in the North Island, 1865-1921, Wellington, Victoria University Press, 2008. Reviewed in Journal of Pacific History, Vol.43, No.3, December 2008, pp.391-393.
Ray Fargher, The Beat Man Who Ever Served the Crown? A Life of Donald McLean, Wellington, Victoria University Press, 2007. Reviewed in Journal of Pacific History, Vol.43, No.3, December 2008, pp.391-393.
Stevan Eldred-Grigg, Diggers, Hatters & Whores: The Story of the New Zealand Gold Rushes, Auckland, Random House, 2008. Reviewed in Metro, October 2008, p.104.
Paul Moon, This Horrid Practice: The Myth and Reality of Traditional Maori Cannibalism, Penguin Books, Auckland, 2008. Reviewed in Metro, September 2008, p.104
Lachy Paterson, Colonial Discourses: Niupepa Maori 1855-1863, Otago University Press, Dunedin, 2006. Reviewed in New Zealand Journal of History, Vol.41, No.1, April 2007, pp.101-02
Richard S. Hill, State Authority, Indigenous Autonomy: Crown-Maori Relations in New Zealand/Aotearoa, 1900-1950, Victoria University Press, Wellington, 2004. Reviewed in Journal of Pacific History, Vol.41, No.2, September 2006, pp.269-270
W.H. Oliver and Claudia Orange (eds), A People’s History: Illustrated Biographies from the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, Volume One, 1769-1869, Bridget Williams Books/Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 1992. Reviewed in Race Gender Class, No.14, 1992, p.72
David Thomson, Selfish Generations? The Ageing of New Zealand’s Welfare State, Bridget Williams Books, Wellington, 1991. Reviewed in Race Gender Class, No.13, 1992, p.38
Conference and seminar papers
‘Remembering and Forgetting Colonial Violence in Aotearoa New Zealand’, USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research guest lecture (with Joanna Kidman), (online, October 2023)
‘Scarred City: Tāmaki Makaurau and the New Zealand Wars’, Scarred Nations symposium, Auckland Museum, (Auckland, April 2023)
‘Contesting the Past: Remembrance, Denial and New Zealand History’, New Zealand Fabian Society Lecture, (Wellington, July 2022)
‘The Great War for New Zealand and the Making of Auckland’, Auckland Museum Institute Humanities Lecture, (online, July 2022)
‘Teaching and Learning About the Invasion of Waikato’ (with Joanna Kidman and Tom Roa), (Te Pae Here Kaahui Ako, Teachers’ Only Day, Hamilton, 4 June 2021)
‘Frontier Town: History, Memory and Myth on the King Country Aukati, (University of Auckland History Department Public Seminar, 3 September 2020)
‘Owning Our History: The New Zealand Wars’ (with Joanna Kidman), (Tiriti-based Futures & Anti-Racism 2020: An open Access Online Conference, 21-30 March 2020)
‘Remembering and Forgetting the New Zealand Wars’ (with Joanna Kidman, Liana MacDonald and Leah Bell), (New Zealand History Association Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, November 2019)
‘War Stories our Teachers Never Told Us: Documenting New Zealand Wars Narratives and Silences’ (with Joanna Kidman), (Afterlives: Intimacy, Violence and Colonialism Symposium, Te Papa, Wellington, 25-26 November)
‘Learning about the New Zealand Wars’, (Te Pūtake o te Riri Symposium, Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiārangi, Whakatāne, March 2019)
‘Defining Conflicts? The New Zealand Wars’, (Friends of the Turnbull Library seminar series, National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, November 2018)
‘Revisiting The Great War for New Zealand’, (New Zealand History Teachers’ Association conference, keynote address, Hamilton, April 2018)
‘Grey Street Must Fall: The Waikato Garrison Towns in History and Memory’, (Garrison Towns in the Nineteenth Century Empire Symposium, Victoria University of Wellington, December 2017)
‘The Great War for New Zealand’, (Te Pūtake o te Riri Symposium, Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiārangi, Whakatāne, October 2017)
‘The Great War for New Zealand’, (New Historians Conference, keynote address, Victoria University of Wellington, September 2017).
‘A “Brooding Sense of Wrong”: Comparing Land Confiscation Policies’, (Imperial Comparisons Conference, All Souls College, University of Oxford, July 2016)
‘A Tale of Two Rangatira: Rewi Maniapoto, Wiremu Tamihana and the Battle for Waikato’, (paper presented to the New Zealand Historical Association Conference, University of Canterbury, December 2015)
‘The Waikato War in Public Memory’ (Karori Historical Society, December 2014)
‘The Waikato War: Myth, History and the “Art of Forgetting”‘, (J D Stout Lecture, Victoria University of Wellington, September 2014)
‘Kupapa: Reconsidering Maori “Loyalism” During the New Zealand Wars’, (VUW History Programme Seminar, Victoria University of Wellington, August 2014)
‘”The Queen, the King and the Runanga”: New Zealand’s Maori King Movement and its Relationship with the British Monarchy’, (Crowns and Colonies: Monarchies and Colonial Empires Conference, University of Sydney, June 2014)
‘Remembering (and Forgetting) the Waikato War’, (Commemorating: History and Anniversaries Conference, Te Manawa, Palmerston North, May 2014)
‘The Historiography of Orakau’, (Alexander Turnbull Library talk, National Library of New Zealand, March 2014)
‘Framed in Forgetfulness? The New Zealand Constitution Act 1852’, (New Zealand Historical Association Conference, University of Otago, November 2013)
‘Uncle Toms and Kupapas: “Collaboration Versus Alliance in a New Zealand Context’, (Cooperation and Empire Conference, University of Bern, Switzerland, June 2013)
‘Te Riri ki Waikato: The Waikato War Revisited’, (VUW History Programme Seminar, Victoria University of Wellington, May 2013)
‘Early Contacts Between Maori and Pakeha in Aotearoa/New Zealand’, (Alexander Turnbull Library talk, with Paul Diamond, National Library of New Zealand, March 2013)
‘Days of Harvest: The Waikato War, 1863-1864’, (Tutu Te Puehu: New Zealand’s Wars of the Nineteenth Century, Massey University, Wellington, February 2011)
‘Frontier Justice? The Trial and Execution of Kereopa Te Rau’, (Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, December 2009)
‘Colonisation and Chiefly Authority in Nineteenth Century New Zealand’, (Antipodes: New Directions in History and Culture Aotearoa New Zealand, Victoria University of Wellington, September 2009)
‘McLean the Correspondent – Historians’ Views’, (Donald McLean – Te Makarini: Folders and Lives Symposium, Victoria University of Wellington, April 2009)
‘”A Mild Sort of Confiscation”? War and Raupatu on the East Coast’, (Coming to Terms? Raupatu/Confiscation and New Zealand History Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, June 2008)
‘Cultural Encounter on the New Zealand Frontier: Rethinking Aspects of the Meeting of Maori and Pakeha Before 1840’, (Stout Research Centre, ‘New Work, New Zealand’ seminar series, Victoria University of Wellington, May 2008)
‘Raising the Flag: The Kororareka Flagstaff After 1846’, (New Zealand Historical Assocation Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, November 2007)
‘Maori Komiti in the Nineteenth Century’, (Treaty of Waitangi Research Unit, Rangatiratanga Workshop, Victoria University of Wellington, August 2003)
‘Looking Forward, Looking Back: Canada’s Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples’, (Treaty of Waitangi Research Unit Occasional Seminar, Stout Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, July 2000)
‘Land Deeds as Treaties: The New Zealand Experience’, (Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society 17th Annual Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, July 1998)
‘“Unity is Strength”: Maori Committees in the Nineteenth Century’, (New Zealand Historical Association Conference, Massey University, December 1997)
‘“Begging with a Bludgeon”: The East Coast Confiscations’, (New Zealand Historical Association/Te Pouhere Korero Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, February 1996)
Other publications
‘Parihaka and Te Waipounamu’, E-Tangata, 5 November 2023,
‘Time in the sun: After decades of snubs and stonewalling, Britain’s monarch finally visits Tūrangawaewae’, New Zealand Geographic. Issue 183, September-October 2023,
‘Shades of Grey: Five Decades Ago a TV Show Changed the National Psyche’, New Zealand Geographic, Issue 181, May-June 2023,
‘Book of the Week: The Truth About “Māori Privilege”’, Newsroom, 5 April 2023,
‘“A perfect pack of devils”: How a town called Maxwell got—and lost—its name’, New Zealand Geographic, Issue 180, March-April 2023,
‘Christchurch and the New Zealand Wars’, Bulletin, no. 210, Christchurch Art Gallery, Summer 2022/23, pp. 6-15,
‘Remembering our past, warts and all, is not about making New Zealanders feel guilty’, The Guardian, 25 April 2022,
‘Voices from the New Zealand Wars: The Invasion of Parihaka’, Newsroom, 29 December 2021,
‘Remembering Raupatu: A Forgotten Anniversary’, The Spinoff, 3 December 2021,
‘A Survivor’s Account of the Torching of Rangiaowhia’, E-Tangata, 28 November 2021,
‘Signs are encouraging for a historically aware Aotearoa’, Stuff, 18 November 2021,
‘New Zealand’s children will all soon study the country’s brutal history – it’s not before time’, The Guardian, 2 November 2021,
‘Vincent O’Malley on the slashing of public reading hours at Archives NZ’, The Spinoff, 5 February 2020,
‘Ensuring future generations understand our past’, Education Gazette, 24 October 2019,
‘Our Trail of Tears: The Story of Ihumātao’, The Spinoff, 27 July 2019,
‘Waitangi Week: The War in Tauranga, Which Pretends History Never Happened There’, The Spinoff, 5 February 2019,
‘A Dark Tale of Dispossession and Greed’, E-Tangata, 9 December 2018,
‘Teaching the New Zealand Wars’ (with Joanna Kidman), PPTA News, 27 November 2018,
‘The New Zealand Wars and the School Curriculum’ (with Joanna Kidman), Briefing Papers, 30 October 2018,
‘A mature nation owns its history – the good and the bad’, Stuff, 6 August 2018,–the-good-and-the-bad
‘Learning (and not learning) about the New Zealand Wars’, The Spinoff, 11 June 2018,
‘Without He Whakaputanga, There Might Have Been No Treaty of Waitangi’, E-Tangata, 4 February 2018,
‘Remembering the Northern War’, Radio New Zealand, 26 October 2017,
‘Inglorious Dastards: Rangiaowhia Raid and the ‘Great War for New Zealand’, New Zealand Listener, 25 February 2017, pp.25-30,
‘The Great War for New Zealand Broke Out Less than 50 Kilometres from Queen Street: Vincent O’Malley on the Waikato War and the Making of Auckland’, The Spinoff, 6 December 2016,
‘New Zealand Wars have not been well studied’, New Zealand Herald, 11 November 2016,
‘What a nation chooses to remember and forget: The war for New Zealand’s history’, The Guardian, 18 October 2016
‘Historical amnesia over New Zealand’s own wars’, The Dominion Post, 23 April 2015,