About us

HistoryWorks Ltd was established in 2004 by several of Aotearoa/New Zealand’s leading specialists in historical research.

Collectively the HistoryWorks Directors offer more than 60 years’ professional experience in the Treaty of Waitangi claims process and other forms of public history. We have produced dozens of research reports for clients. We have presented evidence to the Waitangi Tribunal, the High Court, the Environment Court and in other forums throughout Aoteaora/New Zealand many times and have a proven track record in delivering quality-assured research products to a wide range of Māori, GLAM, heritage sector, publishing and other clients.

What We Offer

The HistoryWorks Directors offer clients:

  • A proven record of many years’ experience in working successfully with iwi and hapū groups and other clients throughout the country to prepare and provide quality research products and advice.
  • Expertise in research planning, scoping, report writing, quality assurance and project supervision and management.
  • Access to a wide range of expertise within the legal, Māori and academic communities.
  • A values-based approach to our work, including commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi and to processes associated with the resolution and settlement of Treaty-based grievances.
  • Professionalism, integrity, proven quality output and a strong commitment to delivering quality products to our clients.
  • An inclusive approach to consulting with our clients to deliver quality services.

Who we are

Find our more about the HistoryWork’s Research Directors: Vincent O’Malley and Bruce Stirling.

Why HistoryWorks?

HistoryWorks brings a professional approach to the preparation and presentation of historical research and advice. We provide timely and high-quality research expertise from a team of highly-experienced experts.

Further Information

To find out more about our Directors, or to learn about other personnel who may be available through HistoryWorks Ltd, please contact us.